schedule for OICOA meeting 17-19Nov,2019



 OIC Ombudsman Association Steering Committee  and General Assembly Meetings  in  Turkey 


On the 17 November 2019 (Sunday)

                    In the afternoon after 15:00 or 16:00; AOA Board of Directors meeting

                   Followed by; OICOA Steering Commitee

 On the 18th of November; (Monday)

                    Morning (09:30-11:00); Opening ceremony of the Istanbul International Conference

                    Morning (11:00-13:00); Session I of the Conference

                    Afternoon (14:30-16:00); Session II of the Conference

                    16:00-18:00; AOA General Assembly Meeting

On the 19th of November; (Tuesday)

                    Morning (09:30-12:00): Session III of the Conference

                    Afternoon (13:30-15:00); Closing Session of the Conference

                    15:00-18:00; OICOA General Assembly Meeting