Service users are more comfortable taking care of themselves than using the Application



Service users are more comfortable taking care of themselves than using the Application

People as service users are more comfortable managing themselves than using apps or through an online system. It is known from the findings of the RI Ombudsman survey of the Maladministration Perception Index (Inperma) of 2019, that 63.57% – 87.28% of 2,842 respondents in 20 cities / districts said they were more comfortable managing their own services directly in the service room.
Member of the RI Ombudsman, Prof. Adrianus Meliala explained that respondents thought he could gain knowledge and experience about procedures, time and costs. The level of convenience felt by respondents was lower when managing online services, with the highest percentage being only 27.50%. Especially when interacting with managing services using intermediary / broker services, the convenience presentation is only 5.50%.
The results of the 2019 Inperma survey revealed that the provinces with the lowest perceptions of maladministration were D.I Yogyakarta (3,50), Gorontalo (4.05), and Central Sulawesi (4,15). The low maladministration index indicates that the quality of service is well considered by service users. On the other hand, if the index of maladministration is high then the quality of public service is poorly perceived by service users.
The event was also attended by Head of Liaison in Yogyakarta Nugrohoningsih, Gorontalo Provincial Head of State, Alfin Gafar Usman and Central Provincial Staff and Provincial Staff as the province with the lowest Maladministration Perception Index in 2019.
Adrianus explained that the RI Ombudsman conducted Inperm surveys to obtain primary data from the service user community by mapping maladministration levels on basic public services such as population administration, health, education and licensing. The survey was conducted on 2,842 respondents spread across 10 cities and 10 districts in 10 provinces. State surveyed the province with the title of green in the survey Compliance with the Standards of Public Service that is the province of Aceh, Yogyakarta, North Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, Maluku and Papua.
Ten cities surveyed are in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Tarakan, Manado, Gorontalo, Palu, Mataram, Ternate, Ambon, Jayapura. Whereas ten surveyed districts are Aceh Utara, Gunung Kidul, Nunukan, Minahasa, Gorontalo, Banggai, Lombok Timur, South Halmahera, Central, and Biak Noemfoor.
“The Inperm survey also aims to provide improvement recommendations for individual service units in making public service improvements,” added Adrianus.
Adrianus said the province based on survey results Inperma this index belongs quite high in units of service, such as Aceh, North Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, Maluku and Papua, it is recommended that local authorities consult with the RI Ombudsman in their respective territories.
These consultations can be helpful, for example, in the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), so that they can meet minimum service standards by referring to Public Service Law No. 25 of 2009. (*)