The Ombudsperson of Azerbaijan continues Human Rights Month Long Campaign
The Ombudsperson of Azerbaijan continues Human Rights Month Long Campaign
In the frame of the May 18 and June 18 Human Rights Month-Long Campaign,
which was announced by the Ombudsperson of Azerbaijan, regional centers of
the Ombudsperson in coordination with relevant national stakeholders held
online public awareness meetings in the regions of the country. The members
of civil society were also involved in this process.
It should be noted that each year, 18 June is celebrated as the Human Rights Day in the country according to the relevant Presidential Order of 18 June, 2007.
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 infection, the representatives of the regional centers informed the participants of the online meeting about recent activities
of the Ombudsperson in protection of the rights of the vulnerable groups of
the population during the special quarantine regime. It was mentioned that
during the quarantine regime the Ombudsperson has been in close
cooperation with relevant governmental bodies to ensure the rights of people.
Strict quarantine regime has been gradually softened in the country. However,some restrictions are still in force. Although the reception of appeals in
presence has been suspended in the Office of the Ombudsperson the
reception of the appeals via online, hotline, post, e-mail as well as the social
media accounts of the Office continues.
Also during the online meetings the representatives of the Ombudsperson informed the participants about the statements of the special rapporteurs of
UN as well as the “Aide Memoire” that has been developed by the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights to provide guidence to NHRI interventions
based on human rights standarts.