The members of the Ombudsperson’s NPM group visited Children’s homes in the regions of Azerbaijan

The members of the Ombudsperson’s NPM group visited Children’s homes in the regions of Azerbaijan



Ad hoc visits have been carried out to children’s homes in Ganja and Sheki cities of the country within the framework of the National Preventive Mechanism activities of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The aim of the visits was to monitor preventive measures taken against the spread of new COVID-19 infection in those facilities, existing sanitary situation, as well as living conditions of children of different age groups and treatment of them by staff
members of the facility during the pandemic, also monitoring the status of ensuring
the rights of the child.

All units of the facilities, including bedroom, learning and medical rooms, canteen, kitchen, rooms for spending leisure time, common area were visited.

In order to investigate treatment issues, the children living in those facilities, administration of the facility, teachers and medical workers were interviewed on a
random basis, the existing situation was monitored. The administration of the facility reported that COVID-19 tests were carried out for the children and staff members, the results were negative.

Some children have been taken by their parents and contact of those staying in the facility is temporarily limited with parents and other persons for preventing the
spread of infection.

During the visit to the facility in Sheki, it was revealed that there was a vacancy for doctor-pediatrician position in that facility, as well as the measures should be
carried out to increase limit allocated for electricity in the facility and to provide
permanent working conditions for ventilation in food warehouse.

At the end of visits, the members of National Preventive Group held awareness raising talks with administration and staff of both facilities and in particular with
children on the basis of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law of
the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Rights of the Child. They were recommended to
strictly follow the rules regarding conditions of living and treatment, including
social distancing and hygiene for the protection against COVID-19 in children’s