Anti-Corruption Training Institute of ACRC “strengthens customized integrity education for elected and high-ranking officials”
Taking the opportunity of the major elections this year, the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) is planning to strengthen integrity education for high-ranking officials such as elected officials and public officials in political service and to create an “Integrity &Ethical Management Training Course” for public corporations and quasi-government organizations.
In addition, the Commission will develop and distribute interesting contents for the integrity education of citizens and expand the operation of integrity education programs for the next generation to raise the awareness of integrity of elementary and middle school students.
On January 26, the Anti-Corruption Training Institute under the ACRC announced its “2022 Plan for anti-corruption and integrity education” including the plans mentioned above.
This year, the Anti-Corruption Training Institute will carry out the “Customized education for high-ranking officials” through various workshops and consultative meetings that will be held for political and elected high-ranking officials who will be newly appointed and elected at this year’s elections.
In this way, the ACRC will enhance the leadership of integrity by raising the understanding on anti-corruption and integrity policies of high-ranking officials and helping them to correctly recognize the expectations of the people about corruption.
Also, the ACRC will make it mandatory for integrity education programs for high-ranking officials to include the Act on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest Related to Duties of Public Servants, which will be enforced on May 19, so that the system can be stably established.
The Anti-Corruption Training Institute will create a systematic and professional “Integrity &Ethical Management Training Course,” customized to the business environments of public corporations, etc., to prevent a ‘Second LH scandal’ and raise the integrity level of businesses to the ever-increasing international level.
This year, the Institute will operate professional education courses such as basic theory of integrity and ethical management, practical programs, and responses to ethical conflict situations, mainly for large-scale public corporations and quasi-government organizations that carry out duties in such areas as development and compensation, transportation, finance, and energy, which are directly related to people’s daily lives.
It will also develop and distribute interesting contents for integrity education, such as “Special lectures by integrity celebrities” where citizens can learn the value of integrity in an easy and fun way using history and the arts, and “Integrity Webtoon,” an enjoyable animation combining webtoon and video clips.
In particular, to enhance the integrity awareness of the next generation, the Institute will expand the operation of integrity education programs provided by visiting elementary and middle schools.
It will also expand the anti-corruption technical support to developing countries. In addition to training courses in English and Russian, it will carry out anti-corruption training courses to Latin American countries, including Costa Rica and Paraguay, which have requested anti-corruption technical support many times.
In December last year, President Moon Jae-in stated that, “Korea will share our anti-corruption policies, highly appreciated by the international society, with developing countries for the advancement of global democracy.”
Jung Yoon-jeong, President of the Anti-Corruption Training Institute, said, “As the new central and local governments will be launched this year, the Institute will further strengthen the education programs customized by target, and produce and distribute easy and fun contents for integrity education to raise the effectiveness of the education for public officials.”