In Kazan during the day worked a telephone hotline «Women’s attention» on the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, as well as people with disabilities, timed to coincide with the Decade of Persons with Disabilities.

This year the hotline together with the deputy association of the State Council «Мәрхәмәт–Miloserdie» was organized five times. In the center of attention were the issues of organization of summer holidays for children, education, protection of the rights of the elderly, etc.

During the work of the hotline today, about one hundred questions were received. The questions are diverse, among them there are those that require further study and appeals to the relevant ministers, heads of municipalities, as well as to the prosecutor’s office. There are questions concerning the health care system, for example, the allocation of vouchers for sanatorium treatment «Mother and Child», drug provision, including the provision of means for the care of bedridden patients, determination of the disability group, there are also complaints about the order of their re-examination, especially concerning those who need to do it once a year.

Today we answered the questions of participation in state mortgage lending programs (for disabled people), complaints about the actions (or inaction) of medical personnel who refused to refer to medical procedures, obtaining technical rehabilitation equipment for disabled people, registration of guardianship and deprivation of legal capacity at the age of 18, providing transport for referral to treatment for disabled children, etc.

We thank our colleagues – members of the deputy association «Мәрхәмәт–Miloserdie», employees of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Protection, Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Tatarstan, Notary and Lawyer’s Chambers, branch of the Social Fund of the Russian Federation in Tatarstan for joint fruitful work!