An event on “Child rights: Equal opportunities” was held by the initiative of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman
An event on “Child rights: Equal opportunities” was held by the Ombudsman Institution jointly with Goygol District Executive Power in the Gizilja village school. The issue of effective education and upbringing of the children for the future was highlighted during the event. The Head of the Ganja Regional Center of the Ombudsman has given broad information about the activities of the Ombudsman in the field of protection and promotion of child rights and also the Convention on the Rights of Child adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1989, as well as the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Child Rights. He emphasized the importance of combating violence against children.
The participants were informed about the hotline service 916 of the Ombudsman, which is operating for 24/7 hours.
During the event the issues of protecting children from harmful habits, children’s internet safety as well as malicious information were discussed and several proposals were put forward in this regard including child rehabilitation centers and regional shelters for children who suffered from violence.