Azerbaijani Ombudsman participated in the International Symposium on family rights

Azerbaijani Ombudsman participated in the International Symposium on family rights

The Ombudsman participated and made presentation on the role of mediation in protection of family in the International Symposium on the right of protection of family, which was organized by the National Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey in Ankara.
In the presentation it was stressed that by protecting the family we protect the state. The Ombudsman said that as the world develops humanity needs the new approaches to family issues. New technology effects the relations between the couples and other members of the family. So, the new mechanisms and methods should be designed in respect of solving the problems in the family.
The Ombudsman emphasized the gender equality as a main issue for the couples to respect to each others’ rights. Without respect to the rights it would be difficult to talk about healthy relations within the family. It was also mentioned the Ombudsman’s activities in promotion of gender equality during the public hearings in the different regions of the country.
The Ombudsman spoke about the activities of promotion of mediation jointly with International Organization by conducting trainings and seminars in the country. It was also mentioned the Council of Europe’s effort in organizing trainings on mediation for the staff of the Ombudsman Institution.